Pete Zahut, can I assume you are a man? Then, I can understand why it doesn't matter to you. Women might not view it the same way. It is a reminder to jw women how low they are in the hierarchy in the WTS. Probably lower than a dog.
Yes I'm a man and believe it or not, it does matter to me what happens to women. Lot's of men (the majority) do care very much but typically, just as it is in many areas of life, one only hears about those who are doing the wrong thing. Men(especially white men) are the last societal group left where it's OK to stereotype them unfairly based on the actions of the few.
In re-reading my comment, I suppose I could have been more clear. My intent was to sarcastically point out the irony that in the Bible, even when they have a significant part in many of the noteworthy accounts, women are so lowly that they often aren't even mentioned by name ie: Jeptha's daughter, Lot's Wife and Daughters.